This practice helps students develop their ability to concentrate and focus on the present moment.
Start by having students sit comfortably in a quiet place.
Instruct them to focus on their breath, feeling the sensation of the air moving in and out of their nostrils.
When their mind inevitably wanders, instruct them to bring their attention back to their breath gently.
As students become more comfortable with this practice, you can introduce English language stimuli, such as a short text or a spoken word, that students can focus their attention on.
Instruct students to focus on the chosen stimulus and notice any thoughts, feelings, or sensations that arise.
When their mind inevitably wanders, remind them to gently bring their attention back to the chosen stimulus.
After a few minutes, have students reflect on their experience and share their observations with a partner or in a small group discussion.
This practice can be done at the beginning or end of a class or as a brief break during the lesson. It can help students develop their ability to stay focused and attentive during English learning activities, which can lead to better language acquisition and retention.