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Language Practice-1

Updated: May 31, 2023

The following mindfulness-based language practice is adapted from a suggestion by Kuru Gönen (2022). This language practice can create a space for students to become aware of their thoughts, emotions, and so on.

You can also see this activity from the following link:


  • Look at the picture. This is Melisa. What does she do in her room? Look at the bubble over her head. What does she think? How do you think she feels? Have you ever felt the same? Do you sometimes find yourself at your desk like that? Are you aware of how long you sit like that?

  • Now, think about a similar moment in which you experience intense thoughts or emotions (joy, sadness, pride, etc.). You can also think about a specific problem that bothers you.

  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in your room thinking about that thought(s). How do you feel? Just observe yourself. What kind of feelings arise? Can you locate these feelings in any part of your body (head, stomach, legs, etc.)? Now focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale deeply a few times. Open your eyes, now.

​· Write down several adjectives that express your feelings.

· Are these feelings present right now?

· Write a short paragraph using the adjectives above and describe the event(s) and intense emotions. Tell the event, when it happened, and why it is intense.


Do you think thinking about an intense emotion, an event, or situation so much repeatedly helps? What else can you think of doing in those moments when you find your mind occupied with so many thoughts?


Kuru Gönen, S. İpek. (2022). Mindfulness-based practices for EFL teachers: sample tasks and insights to cultivate mindfulness. Focus on ELT Journal, 4(3), 78–93.




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