Mindfulness-Enhanced Language Teaching (MELT)¹ refers to integrating the ideas of mindfulness into foreign/second language teaching contexts in a holistic way through mindfulness-based practices and a mindful attitude aligned with the findings of SLA research (Kuru Gönen, 2023).
Based on the idea of creating a mindful learning atmosphere in language learning to cultivate motivation, personal growth, compassion, and empathy, Mindfulness-Enhanced Language Learning (MELL)² focuses on improving the learning experience vowed into the fabric of language learning contexts (Kuru Gönen, 2023).
¹ To cite this: Kuru Gönen, S.İ. (2023). Mindfulness-enhanced language teaching. Mindfulness in English Language Teaching. https://www.mindfulnessinelt.com/
² To cite this: Kuru Gönen, S.İ. (2023). Mindfulness-enhanced language learning. Mindfulness in English Language Teaching. https://www.mindfulnessinelt.com/

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